
Answer the following quiz about prefixes. Be guided by the list above.

1. If you take away the prefix im– from the word impossible, what is the root word?

a. possible      b. possible      c. possibility

2. What do you if you reread a book?

a. read it again

b. read it for the first time

c. don’t read it

3. If you take the prefix il– away from the word illegal, what is the root word?

a. llegal           b. legal            c. legall

4. If you wanted to say someone is not helpful, which word would you use?

a. inhelpful     b. unhelpful   c. ilhelpful

5. If you add the prefix im– to the word mature what is the correct spelling of the new word?

a. imature      b. immature   c. immature

6. If a house is disused, it is:

a. used a lot

b. used from time to time

c. no longer used

7. The prefix re- used in the word reopen and reapply means:

a. not              b. again           c. wrong

8. If you misjudged someone, it means that you:

a. didn’t judge him

b. judged him wrongly

c. judged him again

9. Not to approve of someone, means that you:

a. unapprove             b. disapprove             c. disapprove

10. If you defraud someone, it means that you:

a. take money from him

b. give him money

c. assist him

11. Which of these words means not natural?

a. innatural    b. inatural      c. unnatural

12. Which of these prefixes do you add to the word moral to mean not moral?

a. un-  b. im-  c. il-

(Source: English Expressways, Textbook for Second Year, pp. 22-23)

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